Friday, May 22, 2009

Have you played Atari today?

If someone would come up to me and ask: "Have you played Atari today?"
I would have to answer "Yeah, why are you asking?"
And then the person asking would probably run away in fear because I answered his question!
Why? I think it's because he wanted to sell me some atari-games under the table! Like the awesome porn-games.

I just played a little Atari 2600 now, and Atari rocks! I love some of the 2600 games!
The best ones in my opinion is:
Cosmic Ark
Yar's Revenge
Missile Command

They are just fantastic!

So, what will you answer? Have you played atari today?

1 comment:

  1. Hello!
    Nice blog sennaho! Looking forward to read more of your post, and you write really well too! Better than me!

    OT: I havn't played any Atari today, it's been a long time I've played it since I don't have it.

    PS: I'm adding you as a friend over at my blog (!
